Instance Methods

attribute name parameters can be passed as a Symbol or String.


Returns true if comparison_object is the same exact All Futures model instance or comparison_object is of the same type and has the same id.

Note also that destroying a record preserves its id in the model instance, so deleted models are still comparable.


Update the current value of one or several attributes without committing them to Redis.


Returns true if the specified attribute has been set by the user or by a Redis load and is neither nil nor empty? (the latter only applies to objects that respond to empty?, most notably Strings). Otherwise, false.

Note that it always returns true with Boolean attributes.

attribute_valid?(attribute), ATTR_valid?

Just like calling valid?, but for one attribute. Returns true if the specified attribute passes all validation helpers.

Also available as a dynamic method (created for every attribute in your model).

decrement(attribute, by = 1), decrement!(attribute, by = 1), increment(attribute, by = 1), increment!(attribute, by = 1)

Increase or decrease an Integer attribute by 1, or any number you provide as an optional second parameter. decrement and increment work without writing to Redis, while decrement! and increment! both commit all outstanding changes.

destroy, destroy!, delete

destroy will attempt to remove the current instance from Redis and mark the instance as destroyed, which prevents further attempts to save.

All three methods return the attributes Hash when successful.

destroy! functions the same way as destroy, except that it will raise a RecordNotDestroyed exception if no data was deleted.

delete will remove the record even if the readonly? method returns true. The before_destroy and after_destroy callbacks are not called.

freeze, frozen?

Freeze the attributes hash such that associations are still accessible, even on destroyed records. Cloned models will not be frozen.


Returns true or false depending on whether attribute has been defined in your model.


id is a String that uniquely identifies an All Futures class instance. If you do not set an id before your instance is saved, it will be assigned a unique UUIDv4 code.

If you assign an Integer or other value to id, it will be converted to a String.

You cannot change the primary key All Futures uses to be something other than id.

Once the instance has been saved, the id is permanent. Attempts to change it will raise a FrozenError.


This will refresh all attributes and previous attributes with the current data from Redis. It will return the model instance with the current values.

Unfortunately, it's not currently possible for an All Futures instance to track changes in Redis that are made after the attributes are loaded. While I have written about how this problem could be solved with Redis pubsub, it really seemed as though people didn't understand why this would be useful. If you are equally excited about a reactive All Futures in the future, please let me know on Discord.

save, save!

A true classic - accept no substitutes! save will persist the current state of the attributes and inform the dirty checking mechanism that changes are now past-tense.

Both methods return true if the operation is successful. If unsuccessful, save will return false while save! will raise an AllFutures::RecordNotSaved exception.


Returns a Hash of the given methods with their names as keys and returned values as values.

example = page: 3
example.slice :id, :page, :to_partial_path
# {"id"=>nil, "page"=>3, "to_partial_path"=>"examples/example"}

toggle(attribute), toggle!(attribute)

Flip the value of a Boolean attribute to the opposite of its current value. toggle changes the attribute but does not persist, and returns the model instance. toggle! changes the attribute and saves the instance, returning true or false based on the success of the operation.


Returns the attributes as a JSON-serialized String.

update(attributes = {}), update!(attributes = {})

This should be familiar to Active Record users, as it accepts a Hash of attributes to persist. Internally, the save method will not be called unless there are changes to at least one attribute. If you attempt to pass an invalid attribute, it will raise an AllFutures::InvalidAttribute exception.

Both methods return true if the operation is successful. If unsuccessful, update will return false while update! will raise an AllFutures::RecordNotSaved exception.

update_attribute(attribute, value)

Use this method to programmatically update attributes. No callbacks will be executed. Attributes must exist and not be marked readonly to be updated. Returns true or false depending on the success of the operation.

Last updated

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